Optimal reporter placement in sparsely measured genetic networks using the Koopman operator

Published in 2019 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Nice, France, 2019

Recommended citation: A. Hasnain, N. Boddupalli, E. Yeung. (2019). "Optimal reporter placement in sparsely measured genetic networks using the Koopman operator." 2019 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. 19-24. http://aqibhasnain.github.io/files/hasnain2019optimal.pdf

In biological organisms, genetic activity is often highly nonlinear, making it difficult to design libraries of promoters to act as reporters of the cell state. We make use of the Koopman observability gramian to develop an algorithm for optimal sensor (or reporter) placement for discrete time nonlinear dynamical systems to ease the difficulty of design of the promoter library.